Be sure to JOIN US on April 2, 2020, for our webinar, “Ability to Repay, QM, High Cost & Higher Priced Mortgage Loans”.
ATR, QM, HCM and HPML….Oh my! It can be difficult to keep all these requirements straight, even for seasoned compliance professionals. This webinar will demystify them for you. For instance, these types of loans often get a bad rap. But, just because a loan requires the Ability to Repay, or is considered a Qualified Mortgage, High Cost Mortgage or a Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan, doesn’t mean it’s a bad loan. It just comes with a little more baggage.
Click on the video to listen to Jerod explain more.
March 31st – TRID: Changed Circumstances & Revised Disclosures
April 9th – HMDA Covered Transactions
April 14th – Applicants & Applications
April 16th – HMDA Data for Large Filers
April 23rd – HMDA Data for Small Filers
Jerod Moyer