Banker's Compliance Consulting Blog

Online Bankers Training - Board of Directors Compliance Training

Written by David Dickinson | Jan 22, 2020 9:25:53 AM

Be sure to JOIN US on February 11, 2020, for our webinar, “Compliance for the Board of Directors”. 

Fostering a Healthy Compliance Management System

A good compliance management system (CMS) is made up of many components…culture, risk assessments, policies, procedures, training, reporting, etc. but it all hinges on Board and Senior Management oversight.  What does that mean?  What are the Board’s responsibilities?  According to the regulatory examination manuals, EVERYTHING is the Board’s responsibility, which means they need training, just like the rest of your team.  Keep in mind; however, the Board needs a 10,000-foot view, not necessarily all the nuts and bolts.  They need to know the “why” so they can understand and approve policies and then let Senior Management focus on the who, when, where, and how those things will happen. This is the focus of our Board of Directors Compliance Training.

Click on the video to listen to David explain more.

Other Upcoming Webinars:

February 11thTRID for Beginners

February 13thThe Mortgage Life Cycle (A Five-Part Webinar Series)

February 18thRegulation CC

February 18thCustomer Due Diligence Programs & Beneficial Owners

February 20thCustomer Due Diligence on the Frontline


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