Banker's Compliance Consulting Blog

Online Bankers Training - BSA Board Training

Written by Amy Kudlacek | Dec 8, 2020 11:48:07 AM

Be sure to JOIN US on December 10, 2020, for our webinar, “Annual BSA/AML Management & Board”. 

Doing annual BSA/AML training for your Board members can often feel like you’re in the movie Groundhog Day.  They’re probably thinking, “Haven’t we done this before?”  The key is to keep things fresh and interesting, as well as, relevant.  While your front-line people need to know when to do things, how to do things, etc. (aka the nuts and bolts), your Board, just needs a general understanding of the requirements and risks without all the specific details.  They need a 10,000 foot-view.  We’d love to be your solution!

This webinar will focus only on what your Board needs to know.  The best part?   The comprehensive plain English training manual and free recording!  You can listen to the recording all at once or play it in small chunks over the course of several months for your Board members.  It’s up to you!
