Be sure to JOIN US on March 10, 2020, for our webinar, “Bank Secrecy Act Officer/Team Responsibilities”.
Click on the video to listen to Kevin explain what this webinar is all about and why you need to attend.
As always, we will answer all questions asked during the webinar in writing. Here’s a sample:
Question: Would you give any thoughts and/or recommendations on having an individual versus committee responsible for SAR decision-making?
Answer: Suspicious activity reporting is a cornerstone of a BSA program. That said, there isn’t a set method when it comes to SAR decision making. Actually, either of these can work. While your BSA Officer likely has the most knowledge on the BSA regulatory requirements, input from other areas of your bank and/or other member of your BSA Team is almost always necessary to try and determine whether certain activity is suspicious. A committee comprised of individuals from different areas of the bank automatically builds that input into your decision-making process, but you need to ensure that everyone on the committee understands BSA, specifically SAR reporting requirements.
March 12th – BSA for Tellers and Customer Service Representatives
March 31st – BSA: Just for Operations
April 2nd – BSA for Lenders