Be sure to JOIN US on March 19, 2020, for a flash webinar on “Interest on Deposits-Regulation D”.
While there really isn’t anything new when it comes to Regulation D (Interest on Deposits), it’s often easy to forget the rules to some of the older requirements such as these. Regulation D defines demand deposits, savings accounts, time accounts, etc. Savings and Money Market accounts are limited to only six debits per month and you have an obligation to monitor these types of accounts, notify the customer when they exceed the limits, etc. The confusion comes in because some debits count towards the six and some don’t.
Click on the video to listen to David explain more.
April 21st – Regulation E: Errors & Disputes
Aprils 28th – FREE Forum: Deposit Compliance Q & A
May 27th – Regulation E Opt-In
June 4th – Compliance Culture