Training is one of the most important aspects of your BSA program. In fact, it’s one of the five pillars. BSA training should be tailored to match the various responsibilities of your Team. In other words, BSA training for your tellers should look a little different than BSA training for your lenders. Training for your BSA staff should look different than your Board of Directors.
Listen to the as Kevin explains more.
We have a variety of webinars coming up that will help you tailor your BSA Training. We also have many available now in our store. We hope you’ll check them out!!
February 18th – Customer Due Diligence & Beneficial Owners
February 20th – Customer Due Diligence on the Frontline
March 10th – BSA Officer/Team Responsibilities
March 12th – BSA for Tellers and Customer Service Representatives
March 31st – BSA: Just for Operations
April 2nd – BSA for Lenders