Banker's Compliance Consulting Blog

HMDA Compliance Training & Consulting - HMDA: What have we learned?

Written by David Dickinson | Jul 18, 2018 2:05:59 AM

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Join us on July 24th for a 2-hour webinar discussing what we’ve learned about the new HMDA requirements. You’ll get the latest on:

The new Small Filer exemptions: who qualifies, what is exempt & what you should keep doing.

Coverage & Exemption clarification: mixed-use properties; loans to builders/flippers; home improvement on mixed-use buildings; converted homes; temporary financing; and modifications.

Demographic Information: what if the applicant doesn’t complete the information and you later see them?  Do you mark “yes”, “no” or “NA” for visual observation when an application is not taken in person?

Data:  Lots of areas will be clarified such as Action Taken, Loan Term, Introductory Period, Credit Scores, and many, many more!

This is the latest, greatest on a confusing regulation!  Don’t miss it!

Sign up now –

See – Celebrate! HMDA Data Relief

Dave Dickinson