Virtual Compliance Conferences

We know your Team is BUSY! We are here to serve you!

Register for the virtual conference and get the training your entire team needs for Lending, Deposit and BSA! That is 18 hours of training you can watch over and over again because IT IS RECORDED!

We make it simple…one registration gets your whole team trained with both the live version and the recording… it’s all included.    

2021 Virtual Deposit Compliance Conference (One-Day)

Sept. 28

2021 Virtual Lending Compliance Conference (Two-Days)

Oct. 13 & 14

2021 Virtual BSA/AML Compliance Conference (One-Day)

Nov. 10th

Over 18 hours of training for anyone in your bank to utilize! Don’t miss out! Get the Full Series Here!

2021 Virtual Compliance Conference Series: Lending, Deposit & BSA/AML

Jamie Gustafson

Jamie wears many hats at Banker’s Compliance Consulting. These include managing the administrative team and heading up the e-commerce division. Jamie incorporates her experiences as a former Sergeant in the military and small business owner to bring an energetic and passionate approach to all opportunities! She has a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management and will graduate with her Ph.D. in Business – in May 2023. When Jamie is not directing at BCC, she dabbles in hobbies such as soap and cheese making.

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