Complaints & Complaint Programs
Be sure to JOIN US on January 14, 2021, for our webinar, “Complaints, Complaint Programs & Compliance”.
What’s a complaint? Our simple definition is “anytime you have a customer that is not satisfied” whether that be with a product or service, a certain fee, etc. As a financial institution you will absolutely encounter complaints. You might not get them daily, but you do encounter them and probably more frequently than your complaint data shows. Are you identifying and resolving complaints sufficiently?
Listen to Jerod explain more
Get your whole team trained for one price!
Jerod Moyer
Jerod is the leader of Banker’s Compliance Consulting’s training productions. He is a nationally recognized speaker. Whether it’s a conference, seminar, school, webinar or luncheon, it’s easy to stay engaged when he presents due to the amount of passion and energy he brings to each and every compliance topic. Jerod has spoken on behalf of the American Bankers’ Association, BankersOnline, many state banking associations, private compliance groups and financial institutions. He is a Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) and BankersOnline Guru. Jerod likes to spend his time (between reading regulations and producing compliance training!) relaxing at the lake with his wife and three children, following their activities or engaged in something sports-related!